The Werkbundarchiv – The Museum der Dinge Berlin collects industrially manufactured products from the 20th and 21st century with a high quality standart and a modern and functional charisma. The Werkbundarchiv was founded 1907 by a group of artists, industrialists and cultural politicians with the goal to establish a dialog between designers, producers, sellers and consumers through shared values like quality, authenticity, functionality and sustainability. Since summer 2007 the Museum der Dinge Berlin shows a significant part of its large and rarely exhibited collection of design and everyday culture of the 20th century in an «Open Storage» presentation. The result of these collecting activities is a large number of 25’000 objects. The new location in Basel Switzerland is an opportunity to theme the collection as more international and to establish a greater platform for research and presentation.


Year: 2012
Design project at Basel School of Design
Master of Arts in Visual Communication and Iconic Research 
Mentor: Leander Eisenmann

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
Academy of Art and Design
Visual Communication Institute
Vogelsangstrasse 15
4058 Basel – CH

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